Frequently Asked Questions
If your tour is canceled, we’ll either (i) reschedule or (ii) refund 100% of your money that we would get. AirBnB / TripAdvisor / Others may retain their service fees.
That said - “Plan to ride” - but watch for communication from a B3ars’ employee.
We monitor weather closely and take safety seriously. We sometimes have to cancel rides or cut tours short - sorry! We strive to message / text / call 1 hour or more before cancelling a ride. If your tour must be halted after it’s started, please first find shelter. Once to safety, you may wait out the weather or have a Bikes, Bagels, & Brew support vehicle pick you up.
Why not cancel a tour the day before or hours before if weather looks bad?
- Florida weather is unpredictable.
- We always want to ride our bikes.
Building on these two ideas, we’ve found riding after a rainstorm, or even during a light drizzle, often creates the best experience (e.g., fluffy clouds and pink skies, beach landscapes void of others, cooler temps that encourage animals to wander - think majestic pictures). So, excuse our sluggishness to cancel and please don’t let a weather forecast deter your booking. -
Ever use GPS on your phone to navigate to a location? Like Apple or Google Maps? Our tour uses the same concept to navigate your ride!
Specifically, once you arrive at our bike shop, we’ll help you download a FREE phone app. The app provides turn-by-turn voice navigation of our tour route.
Plus, you can watch videos of our founder speaking at points-of-interest on some of our tours! So, you may hear everything that you would if a tour guide was present.
Perks of Self-Guided Tours:
Ride at your pace.
Ride when you want.
No interaction with strangers.
Stop or stay where you want (Lunch? Walk the beach? Pet an alligator? Eek! Don’t do that last one!).
Our E-bikes are Class 2 and restricted to 20 mph.
An electric bike (eBike) is a regular bike equipped with gears, an electric motor, and a battery. They’re also known and pedal-assisted bikes. The battery for bikes in our fleet have a range up to 60 miles, depending on how much you pedal and how many levels of assist you use. The eBike requires that you pedal, just like with a regular bike, but the engine helps you move, smoothly giving you extra power. The bikes have various levels of assist. If you do a long distance tour, we recommend you use a lower pedal assist such as Eco. The battery has enough capacity for you to enjoy a tour, but if it runs out of juice, do not worry. The eBike is a normal bike when the motor is off.
One of our employees will happily say more when you are at our bike shop.
Very important:Never walk with the bike if pedal assist is powered on, as it could take off. Always turn the bike power off before dismounting!
Yes! There are bathrooms available at the start, finish, and multiple times on the State Park Tour route.
On the Pier Park / Conservation Tour route, you’ll need to stop at a gas station, park restroom, or business.
We’re glad you asked! We’ve structured our State Park tour for almost every rider. Now, if you’re concerned, (i) consult your medical doctor first and (ii) let our guide know your concern. The guide will help you get started, check on you more, and be on-call should you want to stop your ride.
Morning tours are often available at 7:30 AM for three main reasons:
First, to enhance the experience. If we started later there would be more people in the park, therefore decreasing our chances of seeing wildlife + decreased photo opportunities.
Second, for safety. Later starts mean more cars on the road. As we don’t know our guests riding ability or comfort riding with cars, an early start helps improve safety for everyone.
Third, tours average three hours in length and depending on the time of year, it can be very, very hot should you start and therefore end any later.
Thank you for your understanding.
Nope! Few of us carry cash these days anyway; So, it’s 100% okay if you didn’t tip!
If you felt the service was extraordinary, leave us a review. If you still want to tip, you can find us on Venmo @B3ars [Business account].
Thank you. -
No. Sadly, no. Depending on the most recent year, Florida is number one for bicycle fatalities. Until bicycle road safety, infrastructure, and driver awareness improve (especially along Thomas Drive), we won’t rent kids bikes.
Our bikes fit heights between 5 feet and 6 feet best (give or take a few inches either way). If you’re much above or below that, it may make for a somewhat uncomfortable ride. Similarly, our bikes’ weight limit is about 275 lbs.
We regularly adjust seat heights and handlebar positioning to make the ride as comfortable as possible.
If your bike is still a bad fit, we’ll gladly refund your money and share tips on what you can do in the area instead.
Sometimes, but only to Panama City Beach. Call to discuss.
We typically charge $10 for delivery.
If we’re not super busy, we sometimes waive the fee!
Note: We’re a small business, so we may deliver early in the morning (before traffic, our scheduled tours start, etc.). Thank you for understanding.
First, we’re sorry to hear of the issue! That said, Call Us. Our bike mechanic will talk you through a fix. S/He may ask to facetime, if possible. Note: We don’t immediately rush to you, this helps keep our costs low. If we cannot fix the issue, we’ll replace your bike or fix it asap. Thanks for your understanding and patience.
It happens.
If you did self-checkout, then the code may be in your text messages and/or email.
If you rented from the bike shop, be sure to try the last 4 digits of your phone number (i.e., the one who paid).
Still locked? Call us, and after you provide identification, we’ll tell you the lock code again, then troubleshoot from there.
Return your bike to the location from which you rented it. Lock your bike and scramble the lock code.
For self-checkout, return the bike to where you rented it, lock the bike, and scan the QR code on your bike’s frame, click return, and then follow instructions there.
Absolutely! There’s even a discount.
We still ask that you pay for some of the tour as our employees worked hard to (i) create a safe, fun route; (ii) build relationships with local organizations, and (iii) monitor your safety.
BYOBike! Walk-ins welcome.